Cisco gives
us huge favor by giving us a feature called “Stackwise”
Stackwise we have all of the switches virtually appear as a single chasse.
Logically its look like a modular switch and each of these physical switch chassis,
they appear to be a different modular. We can manage this entire stack of
switches with a single management ip address. We don’t have to be bouncing back
and forth between one console and another console. We get mange all of them in
one place
You notice
that back of switches we got a couple of special connectors, a stack1 and stack2 connector, and we those connector to
interconnect all of the switch using the interconnect cable. That’s allow the
switches to appear to be in the same virtual switch chasse
of Stackwise
prospective we have many as many 9 switches in a single stack
we can manage all nine switches in as stack using single management ip address
have Redundant connection between switches
also there is going to be one switch that automatically elected as the master
switch from the stack. If that switch goes down, their gonna be automatic
reelection for another master switch.
That means we got redundancy in case of interconnected cable issue.
We have redundancy in case of switch failure
And truly ease of administrative burden
different flavor of Stackwise
Stackwise and Stackwise Plus: - We find these feature on cisco catalyst 3750-E and X series
switches and cisco catalyst 3850 series switch. These model of switches support
Stackwise and Stackwise plus
Plus: - is an enhancement that the allow us to do local switching. If we have
stack of 9 switches with ingress and egress ports on same physical chasse.
There is a no need to send that traffic of over that virtual backplane. It
stays on local switch that’s gonna keep unnecessary traffic of those
interconnect cable
Plus is a technology that allow us to use that virtual backplane officially
it available
on cisco catalyst 3850 series switches. This increase the virtual backplane
speed interconnecting our switches in the stack and speed in 480 Gigabit per second as name suggest. They all are
multilayer switches
Ø Cisco
does have a Stackwise like feature for L2 switches and it’s called “Flex Stack”. We can find these on cisco catalyst
2960-s Series switches. In that Flex Stack we
can manage 4 of these switches.
Ø Output of this command gives us a
lot’s of information about
ü The status of a virtual Stackwise switch
ü Status of stack
ü The status of Stack Port
ü The Mac-address being used by stack
ü And stack manger version
Conclusion:- Stackwise is a way to logically combine
multiple chassis into a single virtual chasse
ü With redundancy of our
interconnected cables
ü And redundancy in case of one of
physical chasse were fail
ü And the Stack will continue to
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