Later on this Module, we gonna get into something called Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol and that’s going to allow Convergence happen really really fast, but before we get there, I wanna take a look at Traditional Spanning Tree Protocol. Let’s take a look at
Ø Traditionally
how long is to take Convergence?
If we
lose the link over, which we had been forwarding traffic. How long, is it take
that Blocking Port to Transition into a Forwarding
State? If you take a look at the topology
on Picture.
You will see that fastethernet 1/0/2 on Switch A is currently Blocking. But let say, we had a link failure. Let say there was a failure of that Top Network Segment.
The Question is? How long is gonna take for that Blocking Port fastethernet 1/0/2 on Switch A to Transition into Forwarding. Well with Traditional Spanning Tree Protocol, we gonna remain in that Blocking State for 20 Seconds.
You will see that fastethernet 1/0/2 on Switch A is currently Blocking. But let say, we had a link failure. Let say there was a failure of that Top Network Segment.
The Question is? How long is gonna take for that Blocking Port fastethernet 1/0/2 on Switch A to Transition into Forwarding. Well with Traditional Spanning Tree Protocol, we gonna remain in that Blocking State for 20 Seconds.
“A Bridge Protocol Data Unit coming into
fastethernet1/0/1, that’s going to tell the Switch that, it still has a path
back to the Root Bridge, that sent us that BPDU”.
But if BPDU is not seen on fastethernet 1/0/1 for that 20 seconds
Period of time.The Switch starts to realize that something must be wrong and its starts to Transition
its Blocking Port fastethernet 1/0/2, its start to Transition that port to the
Forwarding State.
Next Transitional State we have is the Listening State.
And we stay in the Listening State for 15
Seconds, and during the Listening State this
Switch is Listening, it’s examining BPDU’s that
are being received over fastethernet 1/0/2, even though we are
not Forwarding traffic over that Port,
we can still receive BPDU’s is coming into that port.
After 15 Seconds of Listening, we Transition into the Learning State.
And we stay there for 15 Seconds,
and the Switches on Learning State
is gonna start the Populate it’s Mac-Address Table,
the Mac-Addresses that are being seen of a Fastethernet 1/0/2. And
after remaining in that Learning State for 15 Seconds.
we transition that Port to the Forwarding State
And it becomes the Root Port of Switch A in this case, and it
starts Send and Receive traffic, and if we add upon this Different Times, we
see that it took 50 Seconds to Transition from a
Blocking State to a Forwarding State
And Please
realize, here we talking about the Traditional
IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol, and there is a Point of confusion that many people have, when we talk about Timers,
and that Point of Confusion in this
What if I Plugin a Laptop for example into a Switchport,
that was not currently in use, another words it
was not in the Blocking State, it would just not connected with anything.
What if I just Plug in a Laptop to a Port with its default
configuration on a Switch, is it gonna take 50 Seconds to Transition to
Ø Actually
no, it’s gonna take 30 seconds,
do you know why?
Because This Port is not initially in the Blocking State
Ø it
doesn’t have to stay in the Blocking State for 20 seconds.
Ø It
can immediately go into the Listening State for the 15 Seconds,
Ø Then
into the Learning State for 15 Seconds,
Ø And
the Transition to Forwarding.
even that 30 Seconds Period of time might be a little long for us.
The good news
is, we gonna talk about a feature coming up called “Port Fast” that can make that Transition
happen much Quicker.
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