Now we talked bit about Vlans and Trunks, let’s imagine that we have a topology that looks like when we see on picture.
We have got 5 Switches that are interconnected like you see here with
Trunks and let’s imagine that we
using Dot1Q Trunks and what we want to do is add a New Vlan, let’s imagine
that there is a new Department and we need to add
a Vlan for that new Department and let’s imagine all these Switches are in the same building,
what we could do is, we can go to each Switch, we
can go to Switch1 and say “you have a new Vlan and that new Vlan is 300”.
Then we could go to the next Switch and say “you have new
Vlan of 300”,then we could go to next, next and next, we could go to each Switch individually and
say “you got a new Vlan” that’s solution of we think about it doesn’t scale very well, if we have to visit
every Single Switch that could be a lot of administrative overhead
if we wanted to add or delete or change Vlan.
But the good news is if we
do have a topology like this, we can take
advantage of something called VTP, “The Vlan Trunking Protocol”,
be careful don’t be thrown off by name,
the name of Vlan Trunking Protocol makes it sound
like here is the protocol that does Trunking you really doesn’t, if
i could name this Protocol, i would called it “The
Vlan Advertisement Protocol” because that what it does, it advertises Vlan information.
Let’s go back to scenario where we want to create Vlan 300 on all of the Switches
what we can do with VTP is create Vlan 300 on Switch1
and then we could send VTP advertisements down to our neighboring Switches.
But, please keep in mind
that this Advertisements has to be over Trunks
links maybe that’s why it’s called Vlan Trunking Protocol because it flows over
Trunks links and when the Switches in the middle get these Advertisements,
they could now say “hey! we have got a new Vlan”,
Switch2 now has a Vlan of 300 and Switch3 it also has
a newly created Vlan in its local Vlan database on of 300.
And these Switches on the middle that received the VTP
Advertisements they could send VTP Advertisements out of their other Trunks Port, letting the Switches on the bottom know that they now
have a new Vlan, Switch4 has a
Vlan of 300 and Switch5 it also has a newly created Vlan of 300.
Now every Switch in this topology knows about Vlan 300, it’s added to the Vlan Database of each of these Switches and we only had to edit to one Switch which dramatically cuts down on the Administrative overhead of going to each Switch individually, that’s the broad overview of what VTP can do for us, but obesely there are many options we can configure for example, we might want to ask the design question, if we want to use VTP amongst these Switches, do i want to able to go to any of these Switches and add or delete or rename of Vlan or should it be just one or more select Switches.
Now every Switch in this topology knows about Vlan 300, it’s added to the Vlan Database of each of these Switches and we only had to edit to one Switch which dramatically cuts down on the Administrative overhead of going to each Switch individually, that’s the broad overview of what VTP can do for us, but obesely there are many options we can configure for example, we might want to ask the design question, if we want to use VTP amongst these Switches, do i want to able to go to any of these Switches and add or delete or rename of Vlan or should it be just one or more select Switches.
If we do not want a particular Switch to be able to create and
modify or delete Vlan, let’s say Switch4, we can go it and say “you are operating a Client mode”.
A Client Mode Switch can update its database and response to VTP Advertisement that it receives and if it does receive VTP Advertisement it will still have forwarded on out of its other Trunk Ports, but we cannot administratively connect to that Switch and say “we want to create a Vlan, we want to delete a Vlan and we want to rename the Vlan”.
A Client Mode Switch can update its database and response to VTP Advertisement that it receives and if it does receive VTP Advertisement it will still have forwarded on out of its other Trunk Ports, but we cannot administratively connect to that Switch and say “we want to create a Vlan, we want to delete a Vlan and we want to rename the Vlan”.
No, Client mode Switch it’s Vlan database only gets updated
based on Advertisements that it received and again it can forward those
Advertisement on, they don’t terminate on the Client Switch and in addition to having Client mode, we also have a
Server mode.
Let’s imagine
that this Switch1 is running in a Server mode and the Switch that operating in VTP Server mode can create modify and delete a Vlan locally
and that change will be propagated over Trunk links to neighboring Switches and if it receives a VTP advertisements maybe from
another Server, Yes we can have multiple Servers
on our topology that perfectly fine, if it receives a VTP advertisements it’s gonna forwarded on out of
its other Trunks Ports and like we said, we can have multiple Server in a topology, we can have multiple Client as
Let’s imagine that this Switch2 is another Server mode Switch, this Switch5 is a Client Mode Switch but there is one
other option we not yet mentioned and it’s a Transparent
Mode Switch.
A Transparent Mode Switch can create modify or delete Vlans in its local database, when we make a change to a Transparent Mode Switch that change is not advertised to other Switches. What happened when a Transparent Mode Switch receives a VTP Advertisement?
A Transparent Mode Switch can create modify or delete Vlans in its local database, when we make a change to a Transparent Mode Switch that change is not advertised to other Switches. What happened when a Transparent Mode Switch receives a VTP Advertisement?
As you might guess that Transparent Mode Switch does not update its database based on
that advertisement, changes to a Transparent
Mode Switches Vlan databases can
allow, we made locally on that Switch but just because the Transparent
Mode doesn’t make an update based on received VTP advertisement, that doesn’t
prevented from sending the Advertisement out of its other Trunk Port,
so that other Switches in the topology like the Client
Switch5 can get that advertisement and make update to its database based on
that Advertisement.
So, sum up Transparent Mode operation we not trying to block VTP Advertisements
if we received one we can forward it on, what we trying to do is make sure that this Switch3 doesn’t get its
Vlan database updated based on those VTP advertisements.
Well allowing an administrator to connect to that Switch and make
updates, make changes to that Vlan database locally on that Switch, now our next session we gonna be taking a look at the Configuration of VTP but before we get into that, couple of other thing we
want to do on this session, i want to show you a
side by side comparison of these 3 different VTP modes and also
wanna you to walk through a sample VTP scenario
on whiteboard to see how things should work, then in our next
session we go out and see how to actually configure VTP but for now let’s do.
Here on Picture, we can see those 3 different Modes of VTP operation that we talked about, let’s begin by talking bit about the Server mode if we have a Switch that is, in a Server mode then we can connect to that Switch(maybe we do a SSH Telnet connection or maybe we connect to the console) but once we administratively connected to that Switch, we can then create a Vlan on that Switch have added to that Switches Vlan database, delete a Vlan from that Switches Vlan database or modify the existing Vlan and we already mentioned that we can have more than 1 Server and if One Server receives a VTP advertisement from a another Server it can make an update based on that VTP advertisements and if it does receive VTP advertisement from another Server in the network it can forward that VTP advertisement out to other Switches.
Here on Picture, we can see those 3 different Modes of VTP operation that we talked about, let’s begin by talking bit about the Server mode if we have a Switch that is, in a Server mode then we can connect to that Switch(maybe we do a SSH Telnet connection or maybe we connect to the console) but once we administratively connected to that Switch, we can then create a Vlan on that Switch have added to that Switches Vlan database, delete a Vlan from that Switches Vlan database or modify the existing Vlan and we already mentioned that we can have more than 1 Server and if One Server receives a VTP advertisement from a another Server it can make an update based on that VTP advertisements and if it does receive VTP advertisement from another Server in the network it can forward that VTP advertisement out to other Switches.
Remembering that these VTP advertisement only flow over Trunk links and in addition
to forwarding VTP messages that Server receives, it can also originate VTP advertisements,
let’s say that we make a change on a Switch that’s configured in a Server Mode
and it sends that Advertisement out to a neighboring
Switch, that neighboring Switch is
gonna take a look that Advertisement and say “ok! let me compare
this Advertisement with the context of my Vlan Database” let see
Ø Which version of Vlan
information seems to be most up to date?
Ø is it the VTP Advertisement or it’s my Local Database?
Ø How does a Switch determinate if one Vlan databases is more up to date then another Vlan Database?
Well every time we
make a change to our Vlan database on a Server
Mode Switch it’s going to increment a number, it’s called the “Configuration Revision Number”
Ø And if we add a Vlan, that’s adds 1 to whatever the Current Configuration Revision Number is
Ø If we change the name of Vlan, it’s gonna increment that by another 1
Ø If we delete the Vlan, it gets increment again by 1
Ø And if we add a Vlan, that’s adds 1 to whatever the Current Configuration Revision Number is
Ø If we change the name of Vlan, it’s gonna increment that by another 1
Ø If we delete the Vlan, it gets increment again by 1
And when Switch receives a VTP advertisement it’s going to compare
the “Configuration Revision number of that Advertisements” with the “Configuration
Revision Number of its local Vlan database”, whichever number is higher that’s the one, it’s gonna be believed,
that’s considered to be a most Authoritative and
that’s the version of the Vlan Database we go with.
If we have a Switch that’s running in a Client mode,
we cannot connect to that Switch and make any
changes to our Vlan database locally, we cannot create, modify and delete a Vlan but
that Switch does have a Vlan database and it can
update its database based on received Advertisements and if it receives a VTP Advertisement
it can forward that out its other Trunk Ports to neighboring Switches and here something that not as obvious.
Client Mode Switch can originate a VTP advertisement, it’s gonna be
telling its neighboring Switches “hey guys! This
is what my Vlan database look like”, even though we don’t make modification locally to that Client Mode Switch,
it can still send out its version of the Vlan database,
let me give you example, let say that.
I purchase a new Switch
and i had that Switch sitting on my desk, i am
doing some experiments maybe i updated the Cisco iOS version on it, i have been
adding some Vlans and deleting some of and it’s been Server mode that time, and every time i made a change it incremented the Configuration Revision Number.
Well now let say it’s time to added it to a Network and i say, we gonna set
this to Client Mode and i set it to Client Mode but that doesn’t reset
the Configuration Revision Number, i added to the network that Client Mode Switch is gonna advertise its version of the Vlan
database to the other Switches and if based on the changes i have
been making locally, the Switch sitting up my desk, if those changes caused the Configuration Revision number to
be higher than the Configuration Revision number that all the Switches
currently have, guess they gonna
believe, they gonna believe my newly added Switch and we could accidently
blow away the correct Vlan Database for all of the other Switches.
But coming up i am gonna give you some recommendations about how to safely
add a Switch to your Network and our final mode of VTP Operation is Transparent Mode.
On a Transparent mode Switch we can create, modify and delete Vlans but those changes only going to apply to that Switches Vlan database, those changes do not get advertised to anyone else, and if this Transparent mode Switch receives a VTP advertisements it can forwarded on to other Switches, it’s not trying to block VTP advertisement with a Transparent Mode Switch but the Transparent Mode Switch is going to ignore that Advertisements, another words, “it’s not going to update its local database based on the context of that advertisement”, in even though it can forward VTP messages it’s not going to originate any of those Advertisements and now we go this clear understanding of these different VTP Modes, let’s go back to that topology that we were looking at few movement ago and walk through an example of what’s happening in background with VTP when we go to a Switch and add a Vlan?
On a Transparent mode Switch we can create, modify and delete Vlans but those changes only going to apply to that Switches Vlan database, those changes do not get advertised to anyone else, and if this Transparent mode Switch receives a VTP advertisements it can forwarded on to other Switches, it’s not trying to block VTP advertisement with a Transparent Mode Switch but the Transparent Mode Switch is going to ignore that Advertisements, another words, “it’s not going to update its local database based on the context of that advertisement”, in even though it can forward VTP messages it’s not going to originate any of those Advertisements and now we go this clear understanding of these different VTP Modes, let’s go back to that topology that we were looking at few movement ago and walk through an example of what’s happening in background with VTP when we go to a Switch and add a Vlan?
Going back to our
topology from earlier let’s assigned some
different Modes of these Switches, let’s say that the Switch1 is in Server Mode and we say this Switch2
is Server Mode Switch, we make the Switch3 is Transparent Mode and
lets also make the Switch4 in a Transparent Mode
and we will through on Client as well, let say the Switch5
in a Client Mode.
To begin with the Configuration Revision Number of this topology is 10, and we make a change, we go to one of the Servers not the Client, we go to one of the Servers and we just use the Switch1 Server and we say “We going to add vlan 300”, when we do that on the Server Mode Switch, it’s going to go head and update its Local Vlan Database to add that Vlan and its Configuration Revision Number, abbreviated that CRN, it’s Configuration Revision Number now goes from a 10 to an 11.
And it’s gonna send VTP advertisements out its Trunk Ports to its neighboring Switches, what happened when this Switch2, this Server mode Switch2 gets that VTP Advertisement, let’s gonna look advertisement and say
Ø How does the Configuration Revision Number of that Advertisement compare to the Configuration Revision Number of my Vlan Database?
To begin with the Configuration Revision Number of this topology is 10, and we make a change, we go to one of the Servers not the Client, we go to one of the Servers and we just use the Switch1 Server and we say “We going to add vlan 300”, when we do that on the Server Mode Switch, it’s going to go head and update its Local Vlan Database to add that Vlan and its Configuration Revision Number, abbreviated that CRN, it’s Configuration Revision Number now goes from a 10 to an 11.
And it’s gonna send VTP advertisements out its Trunk Ports to its neighboring Switches, what happened when this Switch2, this Server mode Switch2 gets that VTP Advertisement, let’s gonna look advertisement and say
Ø How does the Configuration Revision Number of that Advertisement compare to the Configuration Revision Number of my Vlan Database?
And its gonna say “Oh! the Advertisement is an 11, my Local Database is 10”,
i am going to believe the Advertisement and i am
going to create Vlan 300 and my local Vlan Database, it’s also
going to forward that Vlan Advertisement out all
of its other Trunk Ports.
Ø Which is gonna takes it down to this Switch4 Transparent Mode Switch
Ø What happens when this Advertisement
reaches to Switch3 Transparent Mode Switch?
Well in its Transparent Mode meaning that it’s not going to update its
Local Database based on that Advertisement, however it will forwarded it out it’s gonna send it down to Switch5
Client Mode Switch.
Now what happens with Switch4 Transparent Mode Switch, same thing is the other
Transparent Mode Switch, the advertisement is going to be ignored but the Client Mode Switch gonna say “who has the highest Configuration Revision Number”, the VTP Advertisements or my Local Vlan Database, it
concludes that the Advertisements is higher,
it’s got an 11, Switch5 Client Mode Switch it
will also install a Vlan of 300 in its Local Vlan Database.
Now the entire Switches in topology has gone from Configuration
Revision Number of 10 to an 11, we say that synchronization is
now complete and this is gonna be our study state until another change is made in the topology.
And by the way, when we made this
change on that Switch1 that change, that update sends
out immediately, we didn’t wait
for some timers where we say we gonna send VTP Advertisement in some seconds,
now when the change is made that change gets
advertised immediately.
However, be aware that VTP is going to send out a VTP message every five
minutes but this periodic VTP message doesn’t contain the flow of Vlan
database information, it shot of
light weight version of that it’s
gonna contain things like
Ø The VTP domain name
Ø It will contain the Configuration Revision Number and some information like that but
Ø The VTP domain name
Ø It will contain the Configuration Revision Number and some information like that but
it’s not
gonna contain everything, it’s not gonna put big bandwidth impact on the
network and we gonna take a look at Configuration
of VTP in our next session but here something that we have to be place in order for VTP to work, in
order for Switches to exchange information via
Ø They need to be in the same VTP Domain
Ø They need to be in the same VTP Domain
The Domain need to be match and
please be aware that this domain is Case-Sensitive name and it’s gonna match on
our neighboring Switch in order
for updates to be made and we
already mentioned, we have to have Trunk links in a place,
Ø VTP advertisements only flow over Trunk links, they not gonna be send out be Access Port and optionally,
Ø We can add Passwords
Ø VTP advertisements only flow over Trunk links, they not gonna be send out be Access Port and optionally,
Ø We can add Passwords
We can
have the same password on neighboring Switches to
allow them to exchange VTP information and prevent somebody from
intentionally or accidentally introducing a
Switch on the Network that might blow away to existing Vlan database on all our
Switches and also want you to know about the different VTP Versions.
They are currently 3 different Versions of VTP as Version1, Version2
and Version3, let’s talk about few of the differences between these different versions of
VTP, first of all between Version 1 and Version 2, here is the
difference in Version 1 if we had a Switch set to
Transparent mode, it would actually
take a look at the VTP message that it received before it would forwarded out
other Trunk ports on that Switch
Ø It would check to make sure that the domain name matched
Ø It would make sure that the VTP version matched and
Ø It would check to make sure that the domain name matched
Ø It would make sure that the VTP version matched and
it would only forward that VTP advertisement if those things matched and many people would say, that is not what would we want a Transparent Mode Switch
to do, we would want a Transparent Mode Switch to truly be Transparent and not do
those checks.
Well VTP version 2 does Transparently forward on VTP
Advertisements without checking the Domain Name in the Version,
which is what VTP Version 1 did, and one other difference
Between Versions 1 and 2 is that, Version2
added a support for Token ring Lan Switching and Token ring Vlan’s,
we don’t see that much anymore but back in the
days Cisco did have a Catalyst Switches that supported Token ring but differences did
Version 3 bring.
Well version 3 allowed an additional Vlan numbers to be Advertised
to be a VTP, this specifically number in a range of 1017 through 4094,
and something interested that Version 2 does, if i plugin a Brand-new Cisco Catalyst Switch to the network and i have not
gone through statically set the VTP Domain Name, with Version 2 it would see a VTP message coming from a neighboring
Switch and it would automatically update its Domain Name based on the
Advertisement that it receives, that seems like bit of a Security issue
Well VTP Version 3 forced you to do manual
Configuration of your VTP domain and that’s one Security enhancement
but VTP Version 3 also does a better job of a
securing the VTP domain password, if you set the one of those up,
and VTP version 3 also makes a fundamental change
in, how Vlan database information
has propagated even though we could have multiple Servers in our Switch
topology, there gonna be one and
only one Primary Server in a VTP domain and only that primary Server is able to
make updates to other devices, and
one other thing that VTP Version 3 brings to the
Table is support for MST, that’s the Version of Spanning Tree Protocol that allows us to do
defined different instances of Spanning Tree and we can say that these
Vlans belongs to this instance of Spanning Tree and these other Vlans
belongs to other instance of Spanning Tree VTP Version 3 supports that, and one of
feature i want to aware that before we go out and
start doing the Configuration and is
VTP Pruning.
Let’s say that on the Switch1 we had Vlans 100,200 and 300 but of this Switch5 as an example, let say we had couple of Laptops and the Laptop1 it
belonged to Vlan 100, and the Laptop2
belong to Vlan 200
But nowhere on the Switch, to i have nobody belongs to Vlan 300 but remember that a Trunk by default is going to forward traffic for all of the Vlan’s across that Trunk and we talked about how we could administratively create a list of allowed Vlans over a Trunk but that’s extra administrative work to do that, would it be great though that Switch5 could say “i don’t have anybody belonging to Vlan 300”, so don’t send me any Vlan 300 traffic over this Trunk, that’s one of this thing that VTP can do for us if there is no Vlan 300 traffic needed if we have VTP Pruning enabled for that Trunk, we can dynamically Prun off unneeded Vlans, that’s the theory of VTP, now let see how to set it up in our next session.
But nowhere on the Switch, to i have nobody belongs to Vlan 300 but remember that a Trunk by default is going to forward traffic for all of the Vlan’s across that Trunk and we talked about how we could administratively create a list of allowed Vlans over a Trunk but that’s extra administrative work to do that, would it be great though that Switch5 could say “i don’t have anybody belonging to Vlan 300”, so don’t send me any Vlan 300 traffic over this Trunk, that’s one of this thing that VTP can do for us if there is no Vlan 300 traffic needed if we have VTP Pruning enabled for that Trunk, we can dynamically Prun off unneeded Vlans, that’s the theory of VTP, now let see how to set it up in our next session.
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