A really common troubleshooting approach we use when we have a device like an End user PC that cannot get to some destination out on the network “is to follow the path” as we following the path during our troubleshooting, the first step along that path is often a wiring clauses Switch to which that End devices connected, what we might want to do is go to that Switch and Verify that the clients mac-address has been learned on the appropriate port on that Switch, let see how to we can take a look at context of Switch Mac-address table, we can do a
Ø Sw1#show mac address-table
Notice that, we got several Static entries and few dynamic entries and Static entries could be an entry that we made
Ø We could of Statically
Ø We could of manually said, this
Mac-Address of this Port
However, you notice that all of these ports say CPU these Mac-Addresses associated with the Switches
Processor, it looks like we have
not statically entered any Mac-Addresses mapping but we have Dynamically
learned a few.
Different Switches have different capacities to store Mac-Addresses maybe this is because we
have just a really really large network with thousands of Mac-Addresses but it could be because
of Security issue sometime, an Attacker would send just a flood of frames into a Switch
with each of those frames claiming to be from a different Mac-Address and that can fairly quickly fill up Switches Mac
If that Table fills to
capacity, what happens when we add a new device
to the Switch there is no room to learned the Mac-Address of that new Device, so what happens when a
frame comes in destined for that device?
Well since the Switch has not learned of which port that Mac-Address lives, to make sure gets to the right
place, the Switch is going to flood that frame another words, it’s
gonna send a copy of that frame out of all other Switchport’s other than the
port on which the frame was received and that might allow the attacker to start capturing they could start
sniffing the packets coming of the different port, we can prevent
that attack by Port Security which is the topic
we talked about back in the CCNP Switch Course.
If the Mac Address-Table is filling up not because of an Attack
because we just have a large network we got lots of Switches that are interconnected, to help
prevent that Mac-Address Table from filing to capacity what we could do is make
sure that if we have not heard from one of those
Devices with one of those Mac-Addresses for a certain period of time,
we can age them out we can remove them from the Mac
Address-Table, we can simply relearn the Mac-Address, no need
keeping Mac-Addresses for Hours and Days or Weeks possibly, what we can do is Time out Mac-Address entry again if don’t
heard from that Mac-Address for a while, here is a command we
can issue to see how quickly aging out those entries
Sw1#show mac address-table aging-time
On looks like, this Cisco 3750 Series Switch the aging time is 300 Seconds or 5
Minutes, i am aging out Mac-Address entries every 5 Minutes if i am not heard
from those Mac-Addresses within the last 5 minutes and Well Layer 2 Switch makes a forwarding decision based on Mac-Mddresses,
many our Switches are Multilayer Switches they can make forwarding decision based on other criteria such as Destination IP
Addresses, such as Quality of
Service Access Control Entries or Qos ACE’s, we might have Security ACE’s, Security
Access Control Entries which make up Security ACL an Access Control List,
and many of our Switches have a TCAM or Ternary
Content Addressable Memory
That can help us Switch make a forwarding decision based on
criteria like that very very rapidly the TCAM can help us Switch very efficiently make a forwarding decision
because it combines Quality of Service Entries, Security Access Control Lists
and IPv4 Route information into an area of memory that can be queried when the
Switch wants to make a forwarding decision and notice i said IP
Version 4, there is a way for the TCAM to support
IPv6 Routing but it might not be enabled by default on your Cisco Catalyst
Switch, it’s not enabled by default on Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switch but depending
on what we want our Switch to,
Ø We want to do IPv4 and IPv6
Ø Do we want to keep track
lots of Route?
Ø Do we want to support
multiple Routed interfaces?
Ø Or would we rather it just
learned lots of lots Mac-Addresses
With that finite amount
of resources in our TCAM and we can reallocate
there resources depending on what we want to Switch to do, where
it’s going to be playing a role of our network but a great news is we got some flexibility and how we allocate
these resources we can apply a SDM Templates
SDM that stands
for Switch Database Management and
this templates can tell the TCAM how to allocate its
resources for example, let’s say
we had a Switch that needed to keep track of lots
of Vlan or lots of Mac-Addresses but it didn’t need to do much if any routing
or we would probably want the TCAM configure differently than a Switch, we might have at the distribution Layer or the Core Layer we might
need to keep track of lots of IP Routes
To see what SDM Templets were running
right now we can give this command
Sw1#show sdm prefer
And right now, it says we are running Desktop Default that’s
the SDM templates we are running and that’s the default
on this Switch and notice
Ø It supports 8 Routed
Ø It supports the 1024 Vlans
Ø And its support certain
number of Qos Entries
Ø A certain number of
Security Access Control Entries
Ø A certain number of IPv4
Unicast Routes
Notice this output doesn’t say anything about IPv6 but there is a way i am
gonna demonstrated for you to support IPv6 routing on this Cisco Catalyst
Switch, infect let’s look at command that lets us select the SDM Templates to
Ø Sw1(config)#sdm prefer ?
We have got 5 options here
Access: - The Access SDM Templates might be
appropriate for an Access Layer Switch where we know about lots of Vlan’s but
we are not doing much Routing
Default: - What we have by default and it gives
us mixture of support for some Routing and the ability to know about several
Dual IPv4 and IPv6: - is going to add IPv6 Routing support
and this is the SDM Templates we going to applying just a movement
Ø Routing: - A Routing might appropriate for a
distribution Layer Switch or Core Layer Switch where we need to keep track of multiple
Routes but keep in mind if you just say Routing by itself that only giving you
IPv4 support, you are not routing IPv6 traffic.
Ø Vlan: - If we have a lot of Vlans and those
Vlan contain lots of devices, we might need to go with this Templates in order
to store all of the Mac-Address
Now let’s say
that we got a Trouble Ticket that’s indicating this Multi-Layer Switch is
unable to Route IPv6 traffic, we might begin by saying what’s is the SDM
Templates applied right now and does it gives IPv6 support let’s go to global
Configuration mode
Ø Sw1(config)#sdm prefer
dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 default
Now when i do this it doesn’t take
effect immediately, let me prove that
Ø Sw#show sdm prefer
You will see it still in desktop default if i try to configure IPv6
unicast-routing, it will not let me check this out
Ø Sw1(config)#ipv6
It doesn’t even know about the IPv6 command because this
change that i have made doesn’t take effect until we reload, it
says next reload the templates is gonna be installed, lets reload the Switch.
All right Switch has been
rebooted, let’s see what our SDM Templates is now
Ø Sw1#show sdm prefer
This time it says “desktop ipv4 and IPv6 default”, now we see references IPv6 and this output, let’s
see we can now enable IPv6 Routing
Ø Sw1(config)#ipv6
We now have IPv6 Routing support by changing the SDM templates and that’s one of most common
reason would change the SDM Templates
another reason, we might change this Templates is
we running out of specific resource and
we want to reallocate the TCAM resources to see
the current usage of the TCAM resources, we can give this
Ø Sw1#show platform tcam
Notice that, we have columns for the maximum number of values that TCAM
can accommodate for things like IPv4 Qos ACE’s, IPv4 Security ACE’s for example it looks
like i can support a maximum of 768 Qos Access Control Entries and i am
currently using 260 of those 768 available entries, if the
number in the used columns are approaching the
maximum values that might be a concern to us.
One of things that i would
encourage you to do first before just changing the SDM Templates is to see if it can more efficient in your Configuration for example, if you
running out of entries for IPv4 Unicast Indirectly Connected Routes instead of
changing the SDM Templates with if you did Route Summarization that can cut down the number of Route
Entries you had, think about ways optimize the current Configuration
before changing the SDM template.
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