EIGRP now it’s Open to other Vendors it’s very scalable, it
convergences rapidly, we can do Unequal path Load-balancing with Variance,
it’s got lots of feature and in this session we wanna take a look at Troubleshooting one of more common EIGRP issues that is, we got couple of Routers and they not
forming a neighborship and in our next session we will take a look at another
common EIGRP issue and that is, we are not Routing appropriately we are
expecting about to show up and it’s not showing up, what’s going on
But here let’s take a look at couple of reason that neighborship might
not form between couple of EIGRP speaking Routers
reason is the interfaces that each end of this
link interconnecting Routers are in different subnets, now this
is a IPv4 issue most of the issues are gonna be discussing
apply to both IPv4 and IPv6
Something else that
could be wrong, is the interface administratively
Shutdown we are not gonna be forming neighborship over and
interface if that is Administratively Down
Maybe that interface is up but it’s not participating in the EIGRP Process,
did we give an appropriate network statement for
IPv4 anyway, to say that this
interfaces participating in this EIGRP Process or with IPv6 did we go into the
interface and say that this interface is
participating in this EIGRP Routing Process
Configured to be Passive remember
what Passive interface does, a Passive interface
can still have its network advertised by the EIGRP Routing Process but that
Passive interface is not going to be sending EIGRP message, we
are not gonna form a neighborship over an
interface that’s operating a Passive mode
If we have Authentication enabled, we need to make
sure that we got matching Credential are both
Maybe we Filtering EIGRP Packets, we got some sort of an ACL an it’s blocking EIGRP Packets that
would prevent neighborship forming between couple of Routers
And something that really critical
with EIGRP is that the Autonomous System Numbers
have to equal between neighbors, we don’t wanna go to one Router
and say
Ø Router(config)# router eigrp 1
And then go to another router and say
Ø Router(config)#router eigrp 2
Because those are different AS, they would not form
a neighborship
Something else to
matchup is Mismatched K Values do
you remember, how the K values influence the Metric
Calculation for EIGRP, by default EIGRP
only considers bandwidth and delay in its Calculation but we can
make EIGRP Consider other things, we can make it
consider Reliability and Load through the Manipulation of these K Values and K Values must match
between neighbors, lets gets some
practice with the EIGRP Troubleshooting by going out to interface
In this topology i got all 4 of these Routers configured as EIGRP speaking
Routers however, things are not
working as anticipated, i am not forming any
neighborship let’s see if we troubleshoot and resolve this on
Router R1 let’s take a look our 3 EIGRP Tables, i can do a
Ø R1#show ip eigrp topology
This can give us a
list of networks known to EIGRP and i do know about some networks,
these are all locally attached to this Router, we
have not learned anything via EIGRP
Ø R1#show ip eigrp neighbors
this does not look good, we don’t have any
neighbors and we see that our AS Number is 1
Ø R1#show ip eigrp interfaces
And it’s shows that interface fastetherent
0/1 is participating and you take
a look at topology, you see that we have got
network of connected to fastetherent 0/0, is that
interface is not participating in EIGRP or we not gonna be
advertising that Network, let’s check that
Ø R1#show ip protocols
Now i am gonna go over Router 2 and give some command there as well, and
let’s see if we can determine why we are not
establishing the neighborship between R1 and R2, you wanna may stop for movement to take a look at output that
we have on picture and remember
some of the things we talk about few movements ago that need to be matchup between Routers for them to become
neighbors, let’s go to Router R2
Ø R2#show ip eigrp interface
looks like all of our interfaces are
participating and we can see that our AS number 1 matches up that’s good
Ø R2#show ip eigrp topology
Don’t see anything that’s not local
to me that i have learned
Ø R2#show ip eigrp neighbors
We don’t have any neighbor
Ø R2#show ip protocols
Did you notice anything that not matching up
that needs to match up in order for neighborship to form, we already
said that we using the same AS number 1 so,
that’s good but did you notice the K Values are just
the 1 little bit different the K Values which we can change how the
metric is calculated, here on R1 the K Values are
1 0 1 0 1 and on R2 1 0 1 0 0, the K5 Value on R1 is different, let’s fix that
Ø R1(config)#router eigrp 1
Ø R1(config-router)#metric
weights 0 1 0 1 0 0
the first Value is a TOS Value, the Quality of
Service marking and it’s gonna be 0 then
we start putting our Values K1 K2 K3 K4 K5,
let’s see if we now have
Ø R1#show ip eigrp neighbors
Great news! We are now neighbor with
Router R2, let’s check if learned anything
Ø R1#show ip eigrp topology
We have learned about
network via EIGRP
Ø R1#show ip route
indicates EIGRP and we can see that EIGRP has an administrative
distance of 90 and 2172416 Feasible Distance to get there.
Ø R1#show ip eigrp topology
Ø 2172416: - in our topology table this is our Feasible Distance or FD this is
the metric first to get to this network.
Ø 2169856: - Sometimes called the Reported Distance or Advertised Distance,
this is the distance or metric that our neighbor
is reporting to us if our neighbor is R2, R2 is saying “here is the distance from me to get to this network”
Well we got a
neighborship with R2 but still didn’t see whole lots of routes as looking on IP
Routing Table, let’s go to R2 to
see what neighbors is it knows about
R2#show ip eigrp neighbors
have only 1 formed neighborship with R1,
let’s see why we don’t have neighborship with R3
Ø R2#show ip protocols
We are routing for R3
(, let’s go to R3
Ø R3#show ip eigrp interfaces
Interface serial 1/0 which gets up to
R2 is not participating in EIGRP
Ø R3#show ip protocols
says we are routing for,
we are Routing for that network but that interface is not participating
Ø R3#show ip interface brief
And we are in the UP/UP state, take a movement and look at
the output on picture and see if you can find something that might be
preventing this neighborship forming
Did you notice the IP Address of this
interface it looks like incorrect, according to our topology the
IP address for this interface should be but now it’s, we have wrong ip address, lets fix that
Ø R3(config)#interface serial
Ø R3(config-if)#ip address
Now just take a look at
Ø R4#show ip eigrp interfaces
have all interfaces participating but i still have an issue with R4
neither R2 nor R3 has formed a neighborship with R4, what’s going on
there, let’s go to R4
Ø R4#show ip eigrp neighbors
We don’t have any neighbors
Ø R4#show ip protocols
Notice it says i am routing for,
do we have an incorrect network statement
NO remember the
network statement is often misunderstood, the network statement
is not saying “Advertise this network via EIGRP”,
the network statement is saying “any interface
that has an IP Address that belongs to this scope of addresses, defined by the
network statement to make that interface participate in EIGRP” we are not saying advertise this network, we saying any
interface who’s IP Address belongs to this address space, make
that interface participate and i want any all of
my interface to participate in EIGRP a shortcut is to say
Network, that’s all we done
here, take a look at the output
you notice that we got something major that
mismatch between Router 4 and everyone else, Router 4 is in AS 100
everybody else is in AS 1, that
would certainly do an issue lets fix that?
Ø R4(config)#nor router eigrp
Ø R4(config)#router eigrp 1
Ø R4(config-router)#network
Let’s do a
Ø R4#show ip eigrp neighbors
Ø R4#how ip route
Now we learned several routes via
that was a look at IPv4 its really similar for IPv6, you notice on topology i have got some IPv6 addresses
configured, let’s make sure that
context of these databases of IPv6
Ø R4#show ipv6 eigrp
Ø R4#show ipv6 eigrp topology
Ø R4#show ipv6 eigrp
That’s the look at some of really common
reason why a neighborship might not be forming with EIGRP and our next session we
gonna take a look at anther common EIGRP Troubleshooting
targets and that is some of my Routes not showing up, i am not able to learn
all of the networks that i think should be learn via EIGRP.
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