We learned about
the concept of Route Redistribution back in the Route Complete Course and we
said that Route Redistribution allows routes that
learned from one Routing Source
Maybe like Routing Protocol
Maybe a directly connected Routes
Maybe a Statically configured Route
But we learned Routes from some source and those Routes can be
injected into a specific Routing Protocol for example, we could Redistribution Routes from OSPF into EIGRP and before we get into Troubleshooting
Route Redistribution, let’s take a few movements and review the basics.
First why would we want to
do Route Redistribution?
Ø Well one reason we might want to do Route Redistribution is we got an enterprise network and its
running more than one Interior Gateway Protocol
Ø Maybe because there is a company merger, Company
A merge with Company B and one was running OSPF and
other was running RIPv2, we might
need to Redistribute between those 2 different Interior Gateway Protocols
Ø Maybe we got different departments
within the enterprise that are under different
Administrative Control or perhaps
we got a Partner Company, it’s not our Enterprise but it’s a Company we do a
lot of work with maybe we want to connect out to those partner networks
Ø We don’t have to do Route
Redistribution just between Interior Gateway Protocols, we could Redistribute between an Interior Gateway Protocol and an
Exterior Gateway Protocol specifically BGP Border Gateway Protocol
Ø Maybe we want to advertise our Routes out of Server Provider and we got a BGP Peering
Relationship with that Service Provider
Ø Maybe the reverse we want to take BGP learned Routes and Redistribute those or
maybe a subset of those into our IGP
As an example, let’s think
about this Router it’s got one interface in one Autonomous
System and another interface in that different Autonomous System the interface is on the
left is connected into EIGRP Autonomous System and interface on the right
side connected into OSPF Autonomous System
What we can do is
take Routes known to EIGRP and inject those into
OSPF, similarly we can take Routes
known to OSPF and inject those into EIGRP that would be an example of “Mutual
Route Redistribution”
That’s where we got a couple of different Routing Protocols and each Routing
Protocol is sending its Routes into the other Routing Protocol and when we configure Route Redistribution, here is
key point to keep in mind often time it can get
confusing in which direction the Redistribution is happening.
If i go into Router EIGRP 100 Configuration Mode, i am in
the Router Configuration for an EIGRP Autonomous System and i give the Redistribute command under EIGRP Router Configuration
Mode what i am saying, am i saying
that i want to take EIGRP learned Routes and Redistribute them somewhere else.
No! What i am saying with
Redistribute command is “Redistribute Routes from
the specified Routing Source their we gonna specifying in Redistribution
command, redistribute those into this Routing Protocol” in my
case, i am in EIGRP Router Configuration Mode.
I say Redistribute, maybe i am redistributing OSPF, i
am Redistributing those OSPF Routes into EIGRP, when i say that i
want to Redistribute routes learned by a specific
Routing Protocols it’s not just Routes learned by that Protocol, it also
includes Routes to networks on directly connected interfaces and those
interfaces are enabled for this Routing Protocol those will be Redistributed as
One of the big
challenges we have with Redistribution is Routing Protocol use different metrics they got different
criteria for what makes up a metric
Ø OSPF’s metric is based on Cost(Bandwidth).
Ø And by default, EIGRP’s metric based on Bandwidth and Delay, even though it can consider other things depending on
our K Values.
Ø RIP its metric is based on Hop
how many Routers do we have to transit in order to get to this network.
And it
really doesn’t make any sense to try to do something like this, we could not
say for example, if an OSPF Routes has a metric
of 10 and we were Redistributing it into RIPv2 then give it a Hop Count of 3,
it really doesn’t make sense to do something like that because these Routing Protocols are calculating their metrics very very
differently so, what we can do. There are some default Seed
“A Seed
Metric can be assigned by default to our Route as its being Redistributed into
a Routing Protocol” that’s if we
don’t manually configure a metric ourselves which we can do, and
different Routing Protocol have different Seed
Metric and i want you to
understand what’s those are, lets populates the Table to see what default Seed Metric are for various Routing Protocols
Ø The default
Seed Metric for RIP is Infinity, if we Redistribute a Route into
RIP by default RIP is gonna consider that Route Unreachable
Ø The default
Seed Metric for EIGRP also Infinity
Ø However, its’ bit different with OSPF,
with OSPF if we Redistribute the Route into OSFP
that Route is going to inherit a default Seed Metric of 20 unless we Redistributing from BGP that’s an exception
if the Route is being Redistributed from BGP, in
that case it’s gonna have an OSPF metric of 1
Ø And BGP is an interesting one, its gonna use whatever the IGP Metric value is as the default
Seed Metric.
Now the we reviewed some of the fundamentals of Route Redistribution
We discussed why we need it?
What does it do?
What are the defaults Seed Metric?
Let’s go to interface and review a Basic Route Redistribution
Configuration and then in our
next session we get into Troubleshooting Route
Redistribution. Here in Router R2
We gonna
configure the Route Redistribution because it’s
the boundary Router it’s got an
interface in the OSPF Autonomous System and it’s got another interface in EIGRP Autonomous System
this is the place we gonna set things up, let’s
see what the Router Configuration looks like right now in R2
R2#show run | s router
And we see
that for EIGRP interface serial 1/1, if we look
at the topology is participating in EIGRP and the OSPF Autonomous System includes our loopback 0 interface as
well as serial 1/0. Now let’s set
up Mutual Router Redistribution let’s start by Redistributing OSPF learned
Router into EIGRP
Ø R2(config)#router eigrp 1
Ø R2(config-router)#redistribute
ospf 1
Now i am gonna setup default metric
which will apply to all routes being redistributed into EIGRP
Ø R2(config-router)#default-metric
1554 10 255 1 1500
1554: Bandwidth (Kbps)
10: Delay (Microseconds)
255: Reliability
1: Load
1500: MTU (Bytes)
the metric for EIGRP is made up of “bandwidth,
delay Reliability, Load and MTU (where MTU is not really
used in calculation)” but its designed to
be Tie-Breaker and by default only
Bandwidth and Delay is considered but we can manipulate the K Values to make “Load
and Reliability” also be considered here.
Once we done that, we should now be Redistributing OSPF known Routes into EIGRP,
let’s see if that True, let’s go to R3 and see if we learned anything
Ø R3#show ip route
We have learned about the Loopback IP Address on R1, the Loopback IP Address on R2 we have learned
about the network connected of fastetherent 0/0
on R1 and we have learned about network interconnecting R1 and R2, Great News!
However, just because R3 knows about these
networks how to get to those networks, that’s no guarantee that we can setup conversation with a
host on one of those networks for example, let’s try a ping
Ø R3#ping
It’s in the IP Routing Table but the ping is gonna failed what do they fail? i am getting to however, that Router R1 it does not know
how get back to me and as result all of the Pings failed. We have
only Redistributed in one direction,
we have Redistributed OSPF into EIGRP let’s go to
other direction now, let’s go to R2
Ø R2(config)#router ospf 1
Ø R2(config-router)# Redistribute eigrp
I could say that i wanted to specify a metric in this point but remember OSPF does
have a default metric it going to assign to Redistributed Routes, it’s gonna be a metric of
20 unless that Redistributed Routes is coming from BGP in that case metric is
gonna be 1 but here i am just
gonna leave it at default of 20.
Something that we typically want
to do is include the “Subnets” keyword,
the “Subnets” keyword cause us to Redistribute
all ospf knows Routes into EIGRP, if
we do not give the “Subnets” keyword
we only gonna be Redistributing classful networks infect it get show us warning that “only Classful network are going to be Redistributed”,
let’s prove that
Let’s take a look at our OSPF
Ø R2#show ip ospf database
I am looking for Type 5 LSA’s, a Type 5 LSA would represent a network that we learned another Autonomous
System and I don’t see any right now. Just as experiment, let’s
create another network in R3 in the EIGRP Autonomous
System that does have a classful subnet mask, i am going
to R3 and just as a test let’s create Loopback1
Ø R3(config)#interface
loopback 1
And i am assigning Classful Subnet
Ø R3(config-if)#ip address
This is just an
experiment now see let’s that network that classful network, did it get
Redistributed into the OSPF, let’s go back to R2
Ø R2#show ip ospf database
at this we got Type 5 LSA representing that Classful network, so
this point we will Redistributed in Classful
networks but we don’t have any other network that have a classful mask,
how do we fix that let’s go back to Router 2
Ø R2(config)#router ospf 1
Ø R2(config-router)#
Redistribute eigrp 1 subnets
Once i do that let’s take a look at
OSPF database
Ø R2#show ip ospf database
Great News! We have plenty of Type 5 LSA’s now we know about all of these
networks at this point all three should be able to ping the Loopback interface
on Router R1
Ø R3#ping
Let’s go to R1
Ø R1#show ip route
And the E2 Codes
tells us these are the networks learned them an external Autonomous System
E2 is the default as
we saw on R1 but the difference between E1 and E2 is “when a Route is being Redistributed as E2 or Type 2 External
Route then it’s metric is gonna remain as the same” it’s gonna be the metric assigned by the ASBR, by
the Autonomous System Boundary Router regardless
of how many router Hop’s it has to go through within an OSPF Areas
it still gonna have that original metric assigned
by the ASBR, if i am 3 Router Hop’s
away and i say what’s the metric to get back this network, it’s
gonna be the same metric as the ASBR reported.
You might think that’s not terribly
accurate, i
want to consider the cost to get from this router back to the ASBR, If you want to consider the metric to get from a router to
the ASBR and add that Cost on to the Cost Advertised by the ASBR that’s where
you need to set the metric-type to 1(E1)
Ø (config-router)#redistribute
eigrp 1 subnets metric-type 1
would be an E1 instead of the E2 that we have by default and E1 route it will consider the distance to get to the ASBR
and then add on to that Distance of Cost to get to the Destination network
And now the we reviewed the basic
Route Redistribution Configuration, let’s take a look at our next session at
Trouble Ticket.
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