Wants to send traffic to the network and Router R2’s IP
Routing Table say’s that the next Hop is Router RD1
Which is a Router that’s doing
Redistribution, RD1 sends the Packets down to
Router R1 and interestingly Router
R1 sends the packet on to Router RD2 and
Router RD2 sends this packet back into our
original Autonomous System
That could be sub-optimal Routing we
leaving our Routing Domain going through another Routing Domain, another
Autonomous System and then coming back into our own Routing Domain and you
might run into a situation like this
Ø Depending on how many
Domains you have?
Ø How many boundary Routers
you have?
Ø What specific Routing
Protocols you using?
Ø How things are configured?
In this topic, we want to talk mostly in theory about how we
would Troubleshoot an issue like this.
What we could do is, set really really high Metric values on a Routes that being
Redistributed into a Routing Domain that
way if i am in Autonomous System number 2 and i
am trying to send packets to a destination that also lives in Autonomous System
number 2, i am probably not going to be leaving my Autonomous System because the Metric
would be too high to go through another Autonomous System, it
would be a much lower Metric to stay with my own
Autonomous System something else we might do to combat situation
like this, is to statically set the Administrative
Distance for a Routing Protocol
Remember that , RIP has a default Administrative Distance of 120,
OSPF has a default Administrative Distance of 110
and EIGRP has default Administrative Distance of
90 except for (external Routes
that get injected into EIGRP those have an Administrative Distance of 170)
infect since, EIGRP does distinguish between
externally learned Routes and Routes leaned within the Autonomous System and it gives a higher
Administrative Distance to those externally learned Routes EIGRP by itself does
a great job for preventing a situation like
this from happing but depending on what Routing Protocol you using and how
things configured, you might in some cases need to statically configured the Administrative Distance for Routing
Protocol so let’s Hope out to interface and take a look at how
easy is to set the Administrative Distance for
Routing Protocol.
I am sitting on Router RD1 and its
configured for Route Redistribution and if we do a
Ø RD1#show ip route
We have learned Routes via OSPF, we have learned Routes
via EIGRP and notice the
Administrative Distances of these different Routing Protocols however, in some
Troubleshooting scenarios we might want to make
OSPF more believable than EIGRP, here how we could do that, we can give the “Distance” command, that
command works not just with OSPF, it also works
with EIGRP and it works with RIP, here how we can do it
Ø RD1(config)#router ospf 1
Ø RD1(config-router)#distance
Now if we look at IP Routing Table
Ø RD1#show ip route
Look at this my OSPF Routes now have a more believable Administrative
Distance then EIGRP, it’s now AD
of 80 and you can see that we don’t have any EIGRP learned Routes in the IP Routing Table
now because i have learned all of them via OSPF.
But something
important to realize is that this Administrative
Distance of 80 is only locally significant, it only applies to Router RD1 Route configured it,
another words this Administrative Distance is not
being advertised out to other Routers this is not going to influence the Routing decision that other Routers make,
this only influences RD1
Another fairly clever way to overcome this
Routing Loop issue is to “Tag a Route”
as its being Redistributed from one Routing
Domain into another and when we
talk about Tags, please realize we can use this for lots of different reason
not just for Redistribution but what is a Tag?
It’s a
value that we can assign to a Route and
Tag isn’t a really measuring anything it’s not a
specific unit of measure for bandwidth or delay or anything like
that it’s just a Label that we put on a Route let’s checkout an example, what we can do with Tags.
What we could is say
that, we want to assign a Tag of 10 to Routes
being Redistributed into Autonomous System 1 on picture.
i have just drown for Router RD1 but we would do the same thing for router RD2
but in addition to setting the Tag to 10 for
Routes going into Autonomous System 1. What if we did this also,
what if we said that we going to deny any Routes
from being Redistributed that had a Tag of 10 in the example of
We got a Route
going from Autonomous System 2 into Autonomous System 1 but as that Route gets
Redistributed it’s given a Tag of 10 and
RD1 in the example, is assigning that Tag if
that’s same Route were to then try to comeback into Autonomous System 2 via RD2
that’s not going to be allowed because RD2 is
gonna have a Route-Map that says we are not going to allow the Redistribution
of any Route that has a Tag of 10 going into Autonomous System 2.
Let’s go out an interface now and take
a look at how we can configure these Tags
We here again on Router
RD1 and what we want to do is to say if we were Redistributing
our Route from EIGRP into OSPF we want to give it a Label we gonna give it a
Tag of 10 and we can do that with Route-Map, let’s do that
Ø RD1(config)#route-map TAG10
Ø RD1(config-route-map)#set
tag 10
TAG10: Route-Map Name
10: Tag Number
Let’s create a second Route
Ø RD1(config)#route-map
DENYTAG10 deny 10
DENYTAG10: Route-Map Name
deny: Deny Statement
10: Sequence Number
What I am wanting to deny, i am
wanting to deny Routes that have a Tag of 10
Ø RD1(config-route-map)#match
tag 10
We gonna deny that being Redistributed from OSPF back into EIGRP thus breaking
that potential Routing loop however, i want to allow other traffic to be
Redistributed, i need to allow everything else so, we need to give a
second Route-Map statement for the deny tag 10
Ø RD1(config)#route-map
DENYTAG10 permit 20
DENYTAG10: Previous Route-Map Name
Permit: Permit everything
20: higher Sequence Number because (10 Sequence number is denying)
Now need to match anything because the default is going to
match everything now the we got those Route-Map created, let’s apply
them to our Routing Process.
Ø RD1(config)#route ospf 1
Ø RD1(config-route-map)#redistribute
eigrp 1 subnet route-map TAG10
I am assigning Tag of 10 to Routes being Redistributed into OSPF from EIGRP,
now let’s apply the other Route-Map to the EIGRP Routing Process.
Ø RD1(config)#router eigrp 1
Ø RD1(config-route-map)#redistribute
ospf 1 route-map DENYTAG10
I have already set the Default Metric
I am saying if i am Redistributed into EIGRP from OSPF, i am going to deny
any Routes that have a Tag of 10 and in this example, i did this
two one of my Redistribution point RD1, to
complete the Configuration i would need to do the same thing on Router RD2
which is my other Redistribution Point.
That’s the look at a few different ways that we can
Troubleshoot a Routing Loop that might occurred when where doing Mutual Route
Redistribution between a couple of different Routing Domains and we have more
than 1 Redistribution Point.
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